i love my new skin!
finally got a chance to go sun-tunning at sentosa. wednesday was the vball outing and thank god it was a sunny day. we reached there about 10am and stayed till 4! whole day of fun and lots of tunning! i din get as dark as the rest after appying layers of tunning cream and lying under the sun for one hrs. but at least i'm darker =DDD. horny cant say i'm cao ji bai now cos she even more cao ji bai! hahaha.
and i need to thank charlie liew zhen long for lending me his singlet. your size is so small?!

and then it was the mass photo taking session XD
waitse is not doing the flower pose!

yiqian, noel, liyuan, jasmine, sophia.. acting disappointed. hahas

waitse liyuan

Eve! =DDD

and the babes

on the train...

rmb the sec school days when we used to take this kinda pics. lao tu! hahaha

i shall end this post with a zi lian photo! ahahaha. thanks noel for letting me your pink shirt. it made me look feminine. i guess i really need it. hahaha.
weather's getting cold, rmb to build up your immune system =)